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An underground Arcade classic. Help Rockford exiting the cave, he has to gather diamonds and solve puzzles. Multiple levels available on choice. For the 32K VIC-20.
Get it »Oceanic OC-118 Disk Drive Manual
In addition of being a reference for this device, it lists all the commands compatible also with disk drives of the 1541 family. Also, it includes programs and examples to manage SEQuential, USR and...
Get it »VIC-20 and Arduino project 4: Ultrasonic Breakout
Package needed for the tutorial: VIC-20 and Arduino project 4 - Ultrasonic Breakout.
Play Breakout controlling the paddle by waving your hand!
Includes the .ino sketch...
Game dated 1983 coming from a cartridge dump. It is a shoot'em up with multi dimensional scrolling where you impersonate a venomous scorpion searching for tasty frog eggs. You will move through an...
Get it »COPY673 - Copy from Tape to Tape or Disk
Two useful programs to copy from cassette tape to either another cassette tape or disk. They run on VIC-20 with any memory configuration. Read the instructions on the tutorial linked in the page.
Get it »Would you like to learn programming in machine language on the VIC-20? This guide is for you. Everything you need to know, from how to position objects on the screen to performing calculations from a...
Get it »Simple driving game for the unexpanded VIC-20. Play with the keyboard using keys Z and /.
Get it »Very nice platform game for the 32K VIC-20. Get all the flags and avoid enemies and pitfalls. Conveniently packaged in a self-executing diskette.
Get it »For playing games and run software you need a VIC-20 Emulator - get one here for your device. Keep an eye on hardware tags telling you which memory configuration is required.
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