Pengo port for the unexpanded VIC-20 with a few differences. Only diamond blocks can be launched, ice blocks can be only destroyed. Pushing against walls will not sort any effect and there are no...
arcade mazeGreat game for VIC-20 with 8K ram in block5 (cartridge area)
platformVertical scrolling shooter reminding arcade classics like Xevious or Star Force. Very engaging, with a boss vehicle at the end of each stage. For the 24K VIC-20.
Pengo port for the unexpanded VIC-20 with a few differences. Only diamond blocks can be launched, ice blocks can be only destroyed. Pushing against walls will not sort any effect and there are no...
For playing games and run software you need a VIC-20 Emulator - get one here for your device. Keep an eye on hardware tags telling you which memory configuration is required.
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