Frantic maze game a-la Pac-Man. You are the white ant and have to eat all blue dots while avoiding the other ants, the anteater tongue and water floods. Dump of a 1982 cartridge requiring expansion...
mazePlaying as Archie, the intrepid explorer, you must find the King Tut mask in the dimly lit caves and escape again as quickly as you possibly can while avoiding the deadly creatures patrolling the...
action mazeShooter with some resemblance to Space Invaders. Protect the 7 creatures from the aliens. For the unexpanded VIC-20
shooterPlaying as Archie, the intrepid explorer, you must find the King Tut mask in the dimly lit caves and escape again as quickly as you possibly can while avoiding the deadly creatures patrolling the...
Frantic maze game a-la Pac-Man. You are the white ant and have to eat all blue dots while avoiding the other ants, the anteater tongue and water floods. Dump of a 1982 cartridge requiring expansion...
Shooter with some resemblance to Space Invaders. Protect the 7 creatures from the aliens. For the unexpanded VIC-20
For playing games and run software you need a VIC-20 Emulator - get one here for your device. Keep an eye on hardware tags telling you which memory configuration is required.
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