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Scott Adams Adventures

Scott Adams Adventures
Scott Adams Adventures for VIC-20 with expansion blocks 2+3.
Follow the below procedure for 24k expansion.
Incudes handy menu, SYS 23592 to start each adventure.

If you cannot switch only blocks 2+3 and have a 24k expansion, then follow these guidelines:

1. Check that you have +24k of RAM in your machine. The game only needs +16k,
but it's located in block #2 and #3 of that extra memory. A few expansion
boards can switch every 8k block on or off.

2. Now, enter these few POKEs to turn the VIC20 into unexpanded mode:

POKE 648,30
^------- You'll have to press RUN/STOP + RESTORE after this one.
It moves screen memory to it's position when unexpanded.

POKE 56,30
^------- This one lowers memory top to unexpanded size.

POKE 44,16 : POKE 4096,0 : NEW
^------- This line should NOT be written in three parts, as it
moves start of BASIC to it's position when unexpanded.

Every other value that depends on memory expansion is automatically
changed after these POKEs, so we do not need to worry about them.

Notice that memory left now is exactly 3581 bytes, as the VIC20 would
be in unexpanded mode. Also notice the +24k is still there, but it's
hidden for BASIC. Invisible memory, huh?

3. Now load the game from either tape or disk with

LOAD "P",x,1
^---- Device, 1 for tape and usually 8 for disk.
The second 1 is important, because it tells
the computer to load the game to the same
position in memory as it was saved on. About the "P" letter, replace with:
P=Pirate Cove
V=Voodoo Castle
M=Mission Impossible
T=The Count

4. To run game, you have to know the secret start address:

SYS 32592
^------ All adventures by Scott Adams are supposed to start here.
A game being played can be saved to tape, but not to disk.

5. Exit the adventure with power off, software reset or RUN/STOP + RESTORE.

Tags: adventure  collection 

Memory / hardware requirements
32k 32K memory expansion (mem blocks #1,#2,#3,#5: 28159 bytes free)

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File type: 💾 diskette image (.D64)

Download link: Scott Adams Adventures download

Size: 171 KB

Downloads: 832

Price: $0.00

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