

The VIC20

The VIC20
The VIC20 is actually a physical machine, an emulator device with a physical and working keyboard, resembling the original VIC-20 of the eighties. It has a USB socket where you can insert pen-drives, and it can run software saved as PRG file, or d64 files, and more.

When using The VIC20, take care: the files that you load onto the pendrive need to be named in a certain way in order to be reckognized by the machine: make sure the name ends with something like:


MV = this part means: Model Vic. The emulator can, in fact, run as C64
TP = this part means: Type Pal. Also TN is available, for Type NTSC and it refers to the video standard.
B1 B2 B3 B5 = activates expansion memory blocks 1, 2, 3, 5

I do not own a unit of this type so please refer to the unit's manual for better (and more accurate) directions for use.

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Platform: Physical machines

Price: $0.00


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